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: 7,000 KG
: € 4,00
: 6970083523366
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Snelle levering, bijzonder goede service. Kwam er achteraf achter dat ik een UK variant had besteld en zonder extra kosten of enige moeite werd zonder dat ik erom had gevraagd een EU stekker op gezet. Top!
Purchased the UK Plug-Timbertech ABPST08K airbrush compressor complete set as my first dabble into airbrushing. Having only had experience in full size Spray painting motor vehicles in cellulose finishes many years ago. The service provided by Airgoo was fast and efficient with tracked delivery provided by dpd. the unit was supplied in a smallish single carton well packed in moulded polystyrene and included the compressor, a plastic box containing an unnamed airbrush, sample paints and a braided air hose. The compressor started up and switched off at 4 bar s expected. You can set your own preferred working pressure by lifting the adjustment control and turning down as required. A full instruction manual is supplied with the compressor. The airbrush is provided with three different spray sizes and seems to work well with the fitted 0.04 installed when received. The compressor is quiet and works and performs as expected and represents fair value for money IMHO. The price when I purchased was 99 Euro (£95.71 delivered in July 2020) but will vary depending on the exchange rate at the time of purchase.
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